Hit Counter



Home PL8 Survey

Who is your pre-season favorite in C...sorry if I missed your team...? [140 votes total]
Golden Corral (10) 7%
Jimmy's (7) 5%
Taylor Made (15) 11%
Rudd (6) 4%
Christian Farms (13) 9%
TCB (1) 1%
BCC/Worth (3) 2%
Carters Elite (4) 3%
Harris Financial (4) 3%
Va Trophy (22) 16%
Coastal (10) 7%
Thunder and Lightning (2) 1%
LE/4U (4) 3%
DS/TV (3) 2%
DWA/Easton (8) 6%
Dinnwiddie Eagles (14) 10%
STI (0) 0%
Ron's Guttering (2) 1%
Other (12)(Wine, Pockets) 9%


Home PL8 Survey 1/12/2004 Final Results
Would you support a rule that required a team to move up one class after they qualify for that sanctions National Tournament? [53 votes total]
Yes (42) 79%
No (11) 21%

1/5/2004 Final results

Home PL8 Survey - Final Results 1-5-2004

2004 is here, what bat are you PRIMARILY planning to use? [50 votes total]
Miken Freak (8) 16%
Mizuno Crush (13) 26%
Worth PST (MAX/100+/98+ etc) (6) 12%
Rawlings ACL (1) 2%
TPS product (0) 0%
Easton Synergy (which ever legal for that sanction) (10) 20%
Other Miken (0) 0%
Other Mizuno (7) 14%
Other Worth (2) 4%
Anderson (any) (0) 0%
Other (3) 6%





12/01/02 Poll Question of the Week:  FINAL RESULTS

At what level of softball should each sanctioning body offer National Tournaments? [79 votes total]
E and above (15) 19%
D and above, keep E class as Rec (22) 28%
C and above, D and E as Rec (19) 24%
Eliminate E and offer at all levels (23) 29%



Poll for 12/8/2002

HOT BATS, what is your opinion... [165 votes total]

Keep 'em all, no more bans (49) 30%
Ban all composites bats (22) 13%
Just ban the Ultra II (17) 10%
Keep all bats, soften the balls .44 cor/375 compression (47) 28%
Change the test and reduce performance, only ban a bat if it doesn't pass (30) 18%

Close race, but it appears that most players would prefer to keep the hot bats and if anything, just adjust the test or the compression on the balls.  Less than 25% of those polled feel that certain bats, including the Miken Ultra II, should be banned.  *These results are non-scientific and are for informational purposes only.


HOMEPL8's Question of the week...12/13/2002 
Why do you play softball? [92 votes total]
To get out of the house and socialize (9) 10%
The spirit of competition (26) 29%
To prolong the baseball career (0) 0%
To win Tournaments (4) 2%
To win National Tournaments (18) 20%
All of the above, truly... (35) 39%



HOMEPL8's Survey
Opinions on League Home Run Rules: [45 votes total]
Unlimited, it's for fun (21) 48%
1 and outs, prep for tournaments (2) 4%
3 and outs, prep for tournaments (2) 4%
3 and 1 up, outs... (10) 22%
3 and 1 up, singles, parody (2) 4%
3 and 1 up, foul ball, safety for pitcher... (2) 4%
5+ and outs (4) 9%
None, bring on the E tournaments! (2) 4%



Survey Question
What is the highest level of ball you aspire to play? [53 votes total)
A/Major (6) 11%
A (15) 28%
B (10) 19%
C (12) 23%
D (6) 11%
E (1) 2%
League/Rec (3) 6%

Final tally on last week's survey question...


If legal, would you swing the Miken Ultra II (substitute the latest HOT composite bat here), regardless if your team was sponsored by another bat company? [58 votes total]
YES, no matter what (12) 21%
NO, no matter what (6) 10%
MAYBE in special circumstances (5) 9%
NO, if on FULLY sponsored team (22) 38%
YES, if on a PARTIALLY sponsored team (13) 22%



How much of your own money, are you as a player, willing to spend for a year of softball? [81 votes total]
Up to $500 (33) 41%
$500-1000 (27) 33%
Up to $2000 (9) 11%
Nothing, need full ride (6) 7%
Nothing, need some compensation (6) 7%


When is it justifiable to intentionally hit the middle? [77 votes total]
Always (18) 23%
Never (5) 6%
In extreme circumstances (4) 5%
When provoked/retaliatory (11) 14%
I just go with the pitch (39) 51%


Home PL8 Survey
Would you support the complete ban of all composite bats? [71 votes total]
YES (54) 76%
NO (17) 24%


Home PL8 Survey - Part 2
Would you support the complete ban of all multi-wall bats AND composite bats? Everyone swings single walls... [72 votes total]
YES (30) 42%
NO (42) 58%


Home PL8 Survey  2/11/2003
Regarding Pitcher safety. Which would you support? [72 votes total]
Make the pitcher wear face/head protection (11) 15%
Move the mound back to a minimum of 55 feet (9) 13%
Offer a pitching circle as ISA is considering (3) 4%
Add additional 11th fielder/as USSSA once attempted (2) 3%
More regulations on the equipment, bats and/or balls (16) 22%
Do nothing, accidents will happen (6) 8%
Combo 1 and 2/3 (7) 10%
Combo 1 and 4 (3) 4%
Combo 1 and 5 (4) 6%
Combo 2/3 and 5 (11) 15%


Home PL8 Survey

Favorite softball to hit... .47/525 (no composite question this week!) [64 votes total]
Dudley ZN (15) 23%
Dudley Thunder (7) 11%
Dudley Titanium (2) 3%
Decker Shark (20) 31%
Demarini Razzo (5) 8%
deBeer Clincher Gold (4) 6%
Rawlings (2) 3%
Worth Super Dot line (3) 5%
Legend Center Fire (2) 3%
Any ball is fine, who cares... (4) 6%


Home PL8 Survey

Will your team be more likely to play the five man with the Composite bats still being legal? (to offer more protection to your pitcher) [65 votes total]
More likely (30) 46%
Less likely (8) 12%
Equally as likely (19) 29%
Don't play it at all (8) 12%


Home PL8 Survey Final Results 3/5/2003

No Miken, no Synergy, so what, I'll just use a ______________ . [125 votes total]
Worth PST/EST/Wicked (31) 25%
TPS XXL/Gen X1/Genisis (10) 8%
Mizuno Fury/Rage/Classic (34) 27%
Anderson Rocketech/Techwrap (10) 8%
Easton Connexion/Tri-shell (5) 4%
Miken Velocit-E (7) 6%
Demarini Classic/Distance/Fatboy (21) 17%
Rawlings Silver Back (1) 1%
Other (6) 5%

3/18/2003 Final Results

Home PL8 Survey
Would your team be willing to play the next class up if you knew that the other top 10 teams from each state were also playing up one level? [72 votes total]
YES (50) 69%
NO (4) 6%
No, my team still isn't that good (9) 13%
No, we need to go loaded to win a national (9) 13%

3/24/2003 Final Results

Home PL8 Survey

Is it too late in the season for sanctioning bodies to ban bats for 2003? [67 votes total]
Yes, not fair to those that spent $300 already or to sponsored teams (24) 36%
Yes, guidelines were established last year and adhered to (16) 24%
No, technology has just gone too far and safety is more important (21) 31%
Either way is fine with me (6) 9%

3/31/2003 Final Results

Home PL8 Survey

How much is your team budgeting to spend this season? [70 votes total]
0-$2,500 (17) 24%
$2,500-5,000 (8) 11%
$5,000-10,000 (12) 17%
$10,000-15,000 (18) 26%
$15,000-20,000 (3) 4%
$20,000-30,000 (2) 3%
$30,000+ (6) 9%
Don't know (4) 6%


Home PL8 Survey - FINAL RESULTS 

Is dropping to a .44/375 ball a sufficient enough change to allow the use of the composite bats? [52 votes total]
YES - should close the debate (15) 29%
YES - debate will rage, but I'll ignore it (10) 19%
NO - keep bats and soften balls to cork or .40 low (3) 6%
NO - bats are still too hot, get rid of the bats (24) 46%


Do you agree with a sanction basing your tournament teams classification on the Division your team plays in League? (AS ASA does in NOVA) [50 votes total]
NO, under no circumstance (36) 72%
YES, helps avoid sandbagging (8) 16%
MAYBE, such as if a Top Flight League (6) 12%


Home PL8 Survey - Final Results 5/16/2003

What happens next, predictions... [54 votes total]
Only Easton Synergy goes next (16) 30%
All bats with any composite material go next (3) 6%
Just ALL composite material bats go next (7) 13%
Miken is the only banned bat for 2003 (10) 19%
Miken's become legal again for 2003 (11) 20%
Ban goes wider, some new test bans PST, Fury, Wicked, Techzilla, etc... (7) 13%


HRK PENALTIES  - Home PL8 Survey

HRK's and Ejections - a sandbag control?? [52 votes total]
I support ejections for HRK's at all levels (5) 10%
I support ejections for HRK's only on the D and E level (10) 19%
I support ejections for HRK's only on the E level (3) 6%
I do not support ejections at any level (4) 8%
I support inning ending but not ejections (23) 44%
I support give runs to other team not ejections (5) 10%
No opinion, go with the flow and drill the middle (2) 4%


Home PL8 Survey
With the Miken being banned now in SSAA, NSA and USSSA, do you think it is fair that the Synergy has not been banned? [46 votes total]
Yes (15) 33%
No (31) 67%


Home PL8 Survey
If you could only go to, and have a chance to win one National, which would it be? [73 votes total]
NSA Super (33) 45%
USSSA (18) 25%
ASA (18) 25%
ISA (2) 3%
SSAA (1) 1%
WSL (1) 1%


Home PL8 Survey
What style bat grip do you choose to use? [59 votes total]
Traditional Baseball Grip (24) 41%
Overlap Grip (10) 17%
Modified Overlap (1-3 upper hand fingers on handle) (21) 36%
Switch back and forth (4) 7%


Home PL8 Survey 7/28/2003 FINAL RESULTS
Would you rather be elected to your sports Hall of Fame 

OR win a National Title/Championship [54 votes total]

Hall of Fame (12) 22%
National or World Title (42) 78%


Home PL8 Survey 7/23/2003 FINAL RESULTS
Have you ever gotten a dud bat? [89 votes total]
Yes, TPS (10) 11%
Yes, Miken (8) 9%
Yes, Worth (18) 20%
Yes, Mizuno (11) 12%
Yes, Anderson (3) 3%
Yes, Easton (11) 12%
Yes, Demarini (12) 13%
Yes, other (2) 2%
NO, all have seemed about the same (14) 16%


8/11/2003 Final Results

Home PL8 Survey Final Results
When and how should a team be re-classed? (I know there are many options and opinions, here are a few ideas) [58 votes total]
As soon as they qualify for the current seasons National Tournament for the remainder of that year, until the National (2) 3%
After winning any THREE tournaments prior to a National in that sanction (14) 24%
Only at season end, based on State, Regional, and National finish (12) 21%
At director discretion at any point (4) 7%
After winning ANY NIT in that sanction, until National (6) 10%
After rating each player and placing limits # of different calibre players for each level (2) 3%
Only if the teams finishes top 10% in a National for the next season (6) 10%
Any of the above, as long as all sanctions follow suit with a specific team (12) 21%

8/27/2003 final results

Home PL8 Survey -  Final Results
How many national tournaments are you and your team participating in this season? [40 votes total]
1 (11) 28%
2 (8) 20%
3 (6) 15%
4 (6) 15%
5 (3) 8%
zero (6) 15%


Home PL8 Survey
At this point in the season do you think your current team will come back over 50% in tact for the 2004 season? [70 votes total]
Yes, for sure, same name (36) 51%
No, for sure (21) 30%
Depends on sponsorship (5) 7%
Yes, but under different name (8) 11%


Home PL8 Survey - Part 2
Will your team move up one class (or more) for 2004? [56 votes total]
Yes, one class (10) 18%
Yes, one plus (5) 9%
No, staying the same (33) 59%
No, dropping down (2) 4%
Up to the directors... (6) 11%


Home PL8 Survey - Final Results November Poll
Will ISA draw large fields in 2004 being the only sanction that will still allow the Miken Ultra II? [49 votes total]
Yes, b/c of the bat (14) 29%
Yes, because of location of tournaments/quality of directors/etc (6) 12%
No, b/c of the bats (4) 8%
No, not one of the big three, less important (25) 51%


Home PL8 Survey
What area of Virginia will have the HIGHEST AMOUNT of talented teams at various levels in 2004? [83 votes total]
Tidewater (Va Beach/Hampton/Norfolk) (14) 17%
Richmond/Petersburg/Fredericksburg (41) 49%
SW (Salem/Roanoke) (11) 13%
Harrisonburg/Winchester (5) 6%
NOVA (PW/FFX/etc) (12) 14%


Home PL8 Survey - Part 2
The poll to beat all polls, HOW MANY TIMES A DAY TO YOU CHECK THE SOFTBALL NATION SMACK BOARD!? [72 votes total]
1 (11) 15%
2-5 (31) 43%
6-10 (11) 15%
11-20 (14) 19%
20+ (5) 7%


Home PL8 Survey
How would an All Star Team from Virginia of ONLY D/C caliber players do in a best of 5 head to head match up with the best of each of the states of MD, NC, and SC? [62 votes total]
Win all three match ups head to head (8) 13%
Lose to all three states head to head (16) 26%
Maybe win two of the three match ups (16) 26%
Defeat MD only head to head (4) 6%
Maybe win one of the three match ups (18) 29%


Home PL8 Survey-3-22-2004

What bat will you swing in NSA sanctioned events? [95 votes total]
Synergy 2 (31) 33%
Crush (26) 27%
PST Max (14) 15%
Demarini F2 (4) 4%
Fury (5) 5%
Techfire Classic (5) 5%
Other Demarini (5) 5%
Other Worth (3) 3%
Velocit-e II (2) 2%